What is the Acropolis of Athens?

The Acropolis of Athens, also known as Cecropia in honor of the first Athenian king Cecrope, is one of the most famous and loved buildings ever. Often starring in many photos and appearing in several films. This wonder symbolizes the birth of the modern world, the transition from absolute to democratic power and the birth of philosophy and scientific thought.

This fortress is located 156 meters above sea level and with its grandeur dominates the city of Athens. Many believe that it is the place that has had the greatest influence on the development of western civilization, as well as being one of the most admired Greek archaeological sites in antiquity and nowadays. The admiration of many visitors to the Acropolis has earned it by boasting its artistic beauties such as statues and works of art. But most of all, the size and elegance of the Parthenon enchant; the central part of the Acropolis. It contained a series of public buildings which at the time constituted the powerful and rich heart of the Athenian city.

The history of the Acropolis

The construction of the Acropolis was financed by the spoils of war against the Persians, which in 480 BC. decided to attack the Greeks. The Greek people were warned by an owl, the symbol of the goddess Athena, patron of Athens. In doing so, the Greeks won over the Persians, attacking more than 200 enemy ships and losing only 40 of them. But unfortunately there was a small defeat for the Greeks and it was the partial loss of the Acropolis.

From the victory over the Persians, the golden age began in Greece and with her the league of Delos, an alliance born between the city-states aimed at defending the newfound Greek independence and at whose head was Pericles of Athens. The latter, with the creation of the Acropolis, wanted to declare the dominion of Athens over the new world order. So in 447 BC Pericles brings together three singularly talented artists: the sculptor Fidia and the architects Ictino and Callicrate. From here began the project for the reconstruction of the Acropolis; thus took place the construction of the Parthenon with the colossal statue Athena Parthenos (now lost), the construction of the Propylaea, the Erect and the Temple of Athena Nike. The magnificence of the sacred city is given precisely by these four factors, namely the four masterpieces of Greek classical art. Not for nothing today, the Acropolis of Athens is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site!

The subsequent empires

In later times, however, the Acropolis acquired various functions: during the Roman Empire it was transformed into a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the Middle Ages it became the military fortress of the Franks and Turks. In 1687 the Venetians bombed it and the Parthenon blew up due to the gunpowder present inside. With the arrival of the Ottoman Empire the Acropolis was literally stripped and rebuilt with fortified structures.

The French archaeologist Beulè, with the excavation works (carried out from 1852 to 1853) aimed at the liberation of the Acropolis from the Turkish fortifications, brought to light the direct staircase to the Acropolis and the Roman gate which from that moment was called Porta Beulè, entrance from which you can now access the archaeological site.

The Acropolis Museum

About a kilometer away from the Parthenon stands a modern building, inaugurated in 2009, inside which there are 8 thousand square meters of sculptural exhibitions. In the Acropolis Museum in Athens the story of its construction is told and the collection extends in a simple and very clear way for any visitor. You will find the Parthenon room on the third level, where the Parthenon sculptures and frieze are displayed.
Once you are culturally enriched on the history of the Acropolis and its Parthenon you can go to the bar for a refreshing drink on the fly, to the restaurant if you want to enjoy some Greek cuisine, always substantial, or you could have a ride to the gift shop.

Entrance ticket

The entrance ticket can be purchased online or on site. For reasons of high tourist turnout, especially in the summer, we recommend buying it online. You can decide whether to buy:
the entrance to the acropolis with audio guide
entrance to the acropolis + entrance to the museum with audio guide

How do you reach the Acropolis of Athens?

From the neighborhoods of Thisio and Makrianni you can reach the Acropolis with a pleasant walk in pedestrian avenues surrounded by bars, cafes and restaurants. If instead you want to get away from the chaos of these you can walk the avenues surrounded by nature that start from Plaka and Monastiraki. From the gate you will find yourself in front of the imposing staircase leading to the equally imposing entrance to the archaeological site.

The Acropolis of Athens is one of the most esteemed, appreciated and symbolic beauties of the whole of Greece. Its majestic splendor is absolutely unmissable for anyone in Athens.


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